Showing 21–30 of 250 results
6’H x 6’L x 30″W/ 5’H x 7’L x 60″ wide with wheels or base plates, stackable, indoor and outdoor available
Walk-behind and hand-held saws available.
Hand-held 14 inch (gas or electric) $75 per day
Walk-behind 14 or 18 inch (gas) $95 per day
Includes 2″ suction and Discharge Hoses, requires large volumes of water to be effective.
Submersible, 2″ discharge. Perfect for pumping swimming pools
50′ Discharge Hose Available at $5.00 per hose.
Framing Nail Gun, Frame Nailer ,Shoots up to 3 1/4″ Nails, Round Head
Nails, Compressor & Air Hose Available at Additional Charge