To begin please select the item you are needing and proceed through the checkout process.
Prices below represent daily rental. We also offer weekly and monthly rental options. We do not require payment at this time. One of our customer care specialist will contact you shortly to confirm the order and if needed make any modifications to the rental
Backhoe, Full Size 14′ JBC 74hp 4WD
$260.00BackHoe, Digs 14′ , 74 hp, 4 WHEEL DRIVE , Full Size Backhoe Loader, Delivery Required at additional Charge
Camera, Sewer
$150.00Inspect sewer lines 2″-10″ diameter, 175′ or 200′ cable, color, locator available
Locator, Line Multi Frequencie
$65.00Locate wires, cameras, electrical lines. Adjustable for Multiple Frequencies. Line Energizer available
Snake, Water Jet – Electric Jetter
$100.00Electric water jet. for cleaning sewer/drain lines
Snake, Water Jet- Gasoline Powered Jetter
$125.00Gasoline Powered Jetter, Clean Sewre lines up to 200′ long
*also available in Electric powered*
Threader, Power-Pipe Hand Held Drive
$75.00Model: ridgid 690
Hand held Power Drive, for Threading Pipe, Dies, Vise & Cutters available at additional cost.
Water Ram
$25.00Kinetic water ram removes blockage using a shock of air. Great for clearing pool skimmer lines of debris.