Lawn & Garden
To begin please select the item you are needing and proceed through the checkout process.
Prices below represent daily rental. We also offer weekly and monthly rental options. We do not require payment at this time. One of our customer care specialist will contact you shortly to confirm the order and if needed make any modifications to the rental
Aerator, Lawn-Plug Type 18″ Walk Behind
$115.00Plugging type aerator helps nutrients reach your grass roots.
2 hours- $40
4 hours- $60
Day- $115.
Saw, Chain Gasoline
$50.00Gasoline powered, Sthil
16″ 4 hours- $40……$50. Day
20″ 4 hours- $50…….$60. Day
Splitter, Log 34 Ton 9hp
$95.00Hydraulic, 34 ton, 9hp. Gasoline, Horizontal/Verticle Split, Trailer Mount
Stump Grinder, 25hp. Self – Propelled-Rayco
$175.0025HP self-propelled stump grinder. Easy one man loading and operation.
4 hours- $150.
Day- $175.
Tiller, Rear – Tine
$95.00For those really big jobs, try a self propelled rear-tine tiller.
8 HP $85.
11HP $95.